Those who struggle with significant financial obligations may be aware of how stressful and daunting such issues can be. However, they might not always know how the stress that could accompany issues with debt could affect their health. Studies indicate that issues...
Protections provided via the automatic stay in bankruptcy
Times of financial strain can arise under a multitude of scenarios and the stress of dealing with debt might not be the only challenge involved. Those who struggle with high levels of debt may experience various hardships in life and they might not know the available...
Factors that contribute to the rise of credit card debt
While sometimes it may seem as though taking on some levels of debt may simply be a part of life, there are a variety of scenarios in which financial obligations may grow out of control. Credit card debt is a prevalent concern for many families and similar financial...
Seeking relief from the trials of holiday shopping debt
As the holiday season comes to an end, there may be many individuals who have yet to receive the bills from recent shopping endeavors. Holiday shopping debt is an issue that affects many families every year and dealing with the fallout thereof can be a stressful and...
Evaluating the options when facing medical debt concerns
While it might be possible to reduce one’s risks of encountering financial strain with effective financial planning, some types of debt may be nearly impossible to avoid. Medical debt is a type of issue that could arise overnight, whether from an unexpected trip to...
Taking steps to seek relief from the burdens of credit card debt
Sources of financial unrest can take on numerous forms, each of which could place a significant strain on one’s financial well-being. While there may be many individuals in Maryland who turn to credit cards for aid during times of monetary strain, such a decision...
Issues with debt could disrupt long-term financial goals
Most individuals may have goals regarding what is important to their future, even if these goals may vary in each scenario. Individuals in Maryland who work tirelessly to pursue their goals might not want to let anything stand in their way, but it might not always be...
Could wedding costs lead to struggles with debt?
There may be many individuals who dream of having a big wedding and as they might feel this will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, they might not always worry about the costs. However, even a one-time event could prompt dire financial repercussions and struggles...
Knowing one’s options when facing debt concerns
Financial challenges can arise under a multitude of scenarios and such issues could have a lingering impact on the lives of individuals in Maryland and across the nation. Those who struggle under the weight of debt may experience an understandable desire to seek...
The physical and emotional toll of dealing with debt
Many individuals in Maryland and across the nation may know that dealing with financial strain can be a stressful process. However, it might not always be easy to fully grasp the impact similar issues can have on one’s life. Studies indicate that prolonged bouts with...